Phantom Galaxies Origin Collection
Thermopylae Redeemed
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Located in the Sparta system, planet Leonidas has become an oasis of criminal enterprise. The planet’s central metropolis, Thermopylae, is a hellish conflagration of crime, wickedness, and greed. The streets of Thermopylae are a bastardized hodge-podge of old war vessels, space stations, and any other helpful wreckage, swallowing many unsuspecting visitors. The city is home to illegal chop shops, slave trading, and drug peddling and is a focal point for trade and commerce amongst many pirate factions. These include the Chareux Junkers, the Xanorra Collective, and the Brooksea Company. Each faction maintains bases of operations in this former bastion of the Commonwealth while preserving a barely functioning truce with each other. Blood being spilled matters less than the money to be made in the wilds of the Non-Colonization Area (NCA), where planet Leonidas is located.